EditDXCC 3.2 for separate download

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EditDXCC 3.2 for separate download

Post by DL2RUM »

I' ve added a new amazing feature in this dxcc country list editing tool. With one mouse click, Google Earth will show you the selected dxcc or area. The application Google Earth must be installed on your computer. The viewing parameter are fixed to 500km viewing distance, 0deg tilt, 0deg azimuth and the moving speed is set to 0.2 (fast).

Playing around with this feature, I've found out, that some positions (mostly the smaller islands) are not very correct in the database. Therefore an option is added to import the current seen position in Google Earth to the list. Just move the mouse in Google Earth to the correct position and press the 'Set from GE' button. This is a very easy to use feature to enter the position of a country or an area into the database without dealing with coordinates or locators.
Use the pushbuttons 'Show in GE' and 'Set from GE' to use the new features.

Direct Download: http://www.dl2rum.de/rumsoft/EditDXCC.zip

DXCC table.tiff
DXCC table.tiff (60.7 KiB) Viewed 3067 times
DXCC table.tiff
DXCC table.tiff (60.7 KiB) Viewed 3067 times
73 and best dx de Tom, DL2RUM