CAT pass through to additional serial port

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CAT pass through to additional serial port

Unread post by k9jri »

I have an external interface box that talks to the radio (KX3) via a serial connection directly to the KX3. When I use RUMLogNG with the KX3 I unplug the connection to the external controller and connect the KX3 to the Mac mini via the Elecraft USB to serial adapter. Is it possible for RUMLogNG to pass the CAT port through to a second hardware serial port on the Mac mini. Kinda like controlling a second radio, which RUMLogNG does support, but reversed in that it is not a radio but like an additional radio control port passing normal mode and frequency back and forth.

Very 73 - Mike - K9JRI
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Re: CAT pass through to additional serial port

Unread post by DL2RUM »

As far as I know. there is no solution for that under macOS.
What are your intentions? Why do you need this? There should be a workaround.
73 and best dx de Tom, DL2RUM
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Re: CAT pass through to additional serial port

Unread post by k9jri »

Tom, thank you for your rapid response. I was afraid that might be the case for Mac OS. A hardware solution does exist but it allows for what I call a "glare" situation between the two applications accessing the shared serial ports. The hardware solution is a model 9PMDS 9-Pin Modem Data Splitter.

The situation is a bit complex but is as follows:

I have a single Pignology PigRemote connected to a single KX3 that I wish to control locally from the attached computer and remotely via the PigRemote without having to move or switch the serial connection between the KX3 to either the attached computer or the PigRemote. I need to be able to do this when the Mac mini is booted into Mac OS X or when it is booted into Windows 10.

When in OS X your software will talk directly to the PigRemote and I have no problem. RUMLog talks directly to the PigRemote and the PigRemote stays directly connected to the KX3. Both the remote Pignology applications and RUMLog NG talk to the radio through the PigRemote from my iPad or iPhone.

When in Windows 10 the situation is much different. When in Windows 10 I use an application called Win4K3 which is, like RUMLog NG, excellent software but which can not talk directly to the PigRemote via a TCP/IP serial extension. Software such as com2tcp offer the required functionality but bring Win4K3 to a crawl because of the extremely heavy serial data flow between the KX3 and the software. In this case if I attach the PigRemote to the computer via a second USB to serial adapter and then pass the PigRemote's data through a Win4K3 created CAT port intended to attach things like HRD, Rotor Controllers, etc.... This CAT pass through port allows either local or remote access to occur without changing any cables.

The remaining issue is that unless the Modem Data Splitter is used, with the PigRemote connected to one DCE port, the Mac mini connected to the second DCE port and the KX3 connected to the DTE port a cabling change is required when switching between OSX and Windows.

Sorry for the lengthy explanation, it is neither a RUMLog NG problem nor a Win4K3 problem but the difference in operation does create an operational issue for me. Perhaps the hardware solution is best.

Thank you very much Tom. Great software! I must admit that I normally run in Windows because my primary radio is a SunSDR2 Pro that currently only runs under Windows. Expert Electronics has promised an OS X version of their SunSDR2 software which, when available, will allow me to operate my station via OS X. Until then I am attempting work around solutions.

Very 73 - Mike - K9JRI
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