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P3/PX3 Control

Posted: Sun 1. Mar 2015, 00:55
by K6LE
I just found the P3/PX3 Control selection in the Transceiver menu.

Very Nice!

Now, among other features, we have point and click QSY and the ability to put the A VFO cursor on the Left edge for working pile ups without having to twist the Center control.

I like it!

Re: P3/PX3 Control

Posted: Sun 1. Mar 2015, 09:49
:D :D :D
Please note, you need Firmware 1.35 to get all features working and for smooth waterfall display.

Re: P3/PX3 Control

Posted: Sun 1. Mar 2015, 15:46
by K6LE
DL2RUM wrote: Please note, you need Firmware 1.35 to get all features working and for smooth waterfall display.
Thanks Tom, thats a good tip. I will probably be moving a friend from Classic to RUMlogNG when it is out of beta and on the Apple Store. Since he never updates anything on his own this would have tripped me up. Gives me an added incentive to get him up to date.