KG4 - Guantanamo - showing up as United States

QSO logging software for the Mac
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KG4 - Guantanamo - showing up as United States

Unread post by N4ERZ »

I worked KG4KL - Guantanamo for the first time yesterday and cannot get the log to show it as Guantanamo. Instead, it is listing it as United States. REgardless of if I try to change the log entry to show KG4 as a prefix etc... it doesn't seem to change.

I'm sure there is something basic that I am doing wrong, but I am confused about what that should be...


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Re: KG4 - Guantanamo - showing up as United States

Unread post by DL2RUM »

You have to add these calls to the list of irregular callsigns, since not all KG4 stations are located in Guantanamo. Use the EditDXCC application provided in the RUMlog folder and read the related documents. You can download additional callsign exceptions also, using the download feature in under the Download tab. Currently there are few thousands calls in the list, so it takes a while to compare this list with yours.
Once your list is uptodate you have to recalculate the DXCC from the affected QSOs in RUMlog, when already logged:
Restart RUMlog and select the affected QSOs and go to Menu-->QSO-->Recalculate DXCC-->With Zones

See also the first page of the FAQ, there are few more examples:
73 and best dx de Tom, DL2RUM