IC7300 On/Off Button

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IC7300 On/Off Button

Unread post by dh1tw »

Hi Tom,
I just discovered, that you actually provide fantastic support for the Icom IC7300.
Connecting to my remote IC7300 via the Icom Server worked straight out of the box. Nice!
However I'm missing one key feature - in the Rumlog IC7300 Control Window and that is
to turn on / turn off remotely the IC7300.

Would it be possible to add such a button or is there already a way to remotely turn on/off the IC7300 which I overlooked?

Tnx & 73,
Tobias, DH1TW
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Re: IC7300 On/Off Button

Unread post by DL2RUM »

There are 16 user definable macro button available. Feel free to use two of them to power the radio on and off. See the full manual.
73 and best dx de Tom, DL2RUM
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