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Resetting LOTW QSL flag?

Posted: Sun 28. Jan 2024, 03:57
by k3iv
Somehow I have managed to get the LoTW QSL status of my RUMlogNG QSOs out of sync with what is in the LoTW database. Is there a way to reset this flag for a group of QSOs in RUMlogNG so that I can reload their status from LoTW?

The more detailed description of the situation is that I have managed to get a set of duplicate entries in LoTW for a date range of QSOs. For each of the QSOs, there are two records--one with the time given as the start time and the other as the end time. Faced with this situation, LoTW seems to match a QSL with the earlier of the two entries (changing the status of the later of the entries to not confirmed). This then results in the "it's not supposed to happen" red QSO listing in the RUMlogNG LoTW import list. I've added entries to my log corresponding to the start times of a bunch of the QSOs (I'm OK with having duplicate entries) and a LoTW QSL import happily marks those as confirmed (and the red entry disappears from the list, becoming a black one). However the entry corresponding to the ending time also is remaining marked. I'd basically like to just reset all of the LoTW confirmed flags in the date range to the default so I can then import the QSLs from LoTW.