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CQ WW Contest, CW

Posted: Tue 28. Nov 2023, 20:52
by km4esu
I tried to use the RumLog2GO app for the CQ WW Contest for CW this weekend. I could not enter any contacts into the application. I would enter the frequency and then the call sign and it would say no frequency you could not save the contact. After working with it for a while I had to give up and go to another way to log contacts. I do not know why it would not work for the contest I was trying to use it for. Second, can a contest mode be added so that it would have that option if you are remote and want to be on a contest?

I do like the Mac version well but I was surprised by no contest mode for the iPad version. Also, I do not know why I could not get the program to make contacts so please let me know why.
