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Rumlog and rtty with eesdr/sdc

Posted: Sat 4. Feb 2023, 16:17
by oe7mop
Last weekend I finally tried to do an rtty contest with a combination of eesdr3/sdc/rumlog.

In general, the software combination works very well, the sdc rtty decoder is in the range of MMTTY, 2TONE...FLDIGI...integration with
RumlogNG is good.

For some reason, occasionally the sdc decoder freezes, and only when I, instead of the Rumlog rtty window
click on the sdc rtty decoder window... I think it's the sdc program... and it's very unpleasant. :) (only with a forced stop and restart of the sdc program, the system again
becomes operational...)
I have a complaint and a question for Thomas- is it possible to enable just a little more minimal width adjustment for Rumlog contest window and RTTY window?
i.e. the minimal windows width are too wide for the 13-inch macbook screen...this especially applies to the rtty window - it is unnecessarily too wide.
Simply, when the programs are used with the sunsdr eesdr program, there is not enough space on the screen for all the programs. (rumlog contest window, eesdr3, rumlog rtty window and sdc rtty decoder with waterfall)
Of course, the solution is to use an additional monitor, but ... if it works on Windows on full HD laptop monitor (combination of N1MM/two rtty decoders mmtty/2tone and eesdr3 program or all the same but with 5M contest log)
then it should be possible on Macintosh also... :)

For info, I use macbook pro 2017 with touchbar... and Rumlog ability to use touchbar for cw/ssb/rtty macro shortcuts is something that makes me love Rumlog, beside all other options...:)

Regards and TNX!
Dejan OE7MOP