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LoTW Automatic Synchronization is available?

Posted: Mon 15. Aug 2022, 20:12
by py1sw
Hi, Tom

I am running an iMac OSX 12.5 and RumLogNG release 5.9.1. I've noticed that only ClubLog has an automatic synchronization to get and record the worked QSO and all the other external Logs, like QRZ, eQSL and LoTW are updated by choosing its menu by the user. It seems to me that those external logs are not synchronized the same way and ClubLog does.

I am not sure if I a missing something along RumLogNG setup that would allows such automatic routine hence I am posting this message here. Is there a way to synchronize RumLogNG QSO records to those external logs?

73 Cesar - PY1SW