QSOs not Uploading to LoTW with Mode Mapping

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Re: QSOs not Uploading to LoTW with Mode Mapping

Unread post by AG7AB »

Tom, when you did your test cases, did you create the test QSO’s directly in RL? When I create a QSO in fldigi and then transfer to RL using the AppleScript macro, I still have problems. Yesterday, I thought maybe fldigi was part of my issue and upgraded to the latest version 4.2.04 from the previous 4.1.20 that I had been using. When using Olivia 8/250 with 4.1.20, the mode shows up in RL as OLIVIA8/250. Now, with version 4.2.04, it shows up in RL with a dash character, i.e. OLIVIA-8/250. When I submit the QSO with that mode to LoTW, it is rejected as an invalid mode.

I also just had a QSO using Contestia 8/250. This mode is reported by fldigi as “CONT-8/250” and is also rejected by LoTW.

Looking at the AppleScript, it is setting the mode to system attribute FLDIGI_MODEM. It does a conversion of BPSK31 to PSK31 and similar, but not for any other modes. Could this be the issue, that the script is not using the actual ADIF mode/submode enumerations?

In another test of THOR11, the transfer to RL and the upload to LoTW worked just fine. So maybe the problem is just those modes with the extra dash or space characters.

Thanks again. I hope this is helpful.

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Re: QSOs not Uploading to LoTW with Mode Mapping

Unread post by DL2RUM »

Yes, I logged directly.
You have to log an ADIF conform mode or submode, see here: http://adif.org/314/ADIF_314.htm#Mode_Enumeration When fldigi is sending it's own, I have to map it in RL or in the import script. So we need a list for wrong modes.
When not, the mapping in tqsl may help. But better, you log always a valid mode or submode. Or you could edit the affected QSOs before uploading
73 and best dx de Tom, DL2RUM
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Re: QSOs not Uploading to LoTW with Mode Mapping

Unread post by AG7AB »

Yes, I agree, it would be a big task to map every possible mode automatically, and it would be ever-changing. And as you said, if an upload is rejected, I can always edit the QSO mode to be an allowed one and carry on. However...

There still seems to be a problem that TQSL mode mapping doesn’t work on RL direct uploads, but works OK uploading a RL generated ADIF file. Using the test build, I tried mapping OLIVIA-8/250 to OLIVIA, and CONT-8/250 to CONTESTI. They both are still rejected when uploading directly from RL, but they are accepted when uploading manually from an ADIF file. The modes in the two ADIF records are as follows. Is this the same as the RL upload format?

<mode:10>Cont-8/250 <submode:10>Cont-8/250
<mode:12>OLIVIA-8/250 <submode:12>OLIVIA-8/250

I thought adding the submode field to the upload format, plus the fix for the Olivia space character issue would fix this, but still seems to be an issue.

Thanks for your patience on this. I realize it's a somewhat obscure issue, and can work around it by editing the QSO's. Just my curiosity and belief that there must be some explanation. Could there be some difference between the RL upload and the ADIF export? Or perhaps TQSL is not applying the mode mapping to the RL upload processing?

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Re: QSOs not Uploading to LoTW with Mode Mapping

Unread post by DL2RUM »

Mapping is not working here either. Maybe time for a support ticket?
73 and best dx de Tom, DL2RUM
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Re: QSOs not Uploading to LoTW with Mode Mapping

Unread post by AG7AB »

I will send them an email and cc you on it. Please provide any additional detail.

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