RUMlogNG V 5.13.2 repeated crashes

RUMlog, the Next Generation. Completely rewritten.
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Joined: Tue 26. Oct 2021, 06:02

RUMlogNG V 5.13.2 repeated crashes

Unread post by N6KRJ »

I've been trying to work a few contacts today, and noticed that RUMlogNG has been crashing intermittently every few hours, not really sure why.

I know I've got a couple of customizations - which in theory shouldn't be a problem:
  • Local webserver proxy that sends DX Commander commands to QSY frequency and mode from a browser plugin.
  • Working on an app that can populate the RUMLog fields via an N1MM UDP message (not working yet - I've got questions for Tom! - like if "QSOs received from N1MM is set to Fill Fields" what are you listening for on port 2237? I'm assuming a "<contactinfo>" element but not sure.)
Not sure if these problems are local to me or if others are experiencing this. It seems I've only started having this issue since the last update; and it doesn't seem to matter if my external integrations are running or not.
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