Snow Leopard, RUMped and MySQL

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Snow Leopard, RUMped and MySQL

Post by DL2RUM »

After updating to OS X 10.6 you may notice, that your MySQL server is not running. The problem is a missing alias (symbolic link) named "mysql" in the /usr/local folder to your MySQL instalation folder in the same directory.
local.tiff (52.19 KiB) Viewed 7235 times
local.tiff (52.19 KiB) Viewed 7235 times
To create a new alias use the terminal:

Code: Select all

cd /usr/local
sudo ln -s mysql-5.1.37-osx10.5-x86_64 mysql
It may be required to modify the name, representing your MySQL version.

Thanks to Chen, W7AY for pointing me to ... d02sep2009
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Re: Snow Leopard, RUMped and MySQL

Post by N8NOE »

NO Joy here with the fix, I edited the Line to make a Symbolic link for my (Latest Version) of MySQL for 32 bit. ... macosx-dmg ... macosx-dmg
Still can't get to any of the Databases I had, I also copied them over to this version manually.
Any more hints on what might be wrong?..
Kinda lost on options here..
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Re: Snow Leopard, RUMped and MySQL

Post by DL2RUM »

The symbolic link is working properly?
Do you have copied over? Or do you made a clean installation? I guess just a copy will not work. It's recommended to make a new installation. Please note, you have to copy your logs into the new directory and there is only one user 'root', with no password set.
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Re: Snow Leopard, RUMped and MySQL

Post by N8NOE »

I did a FULL install of the MySQL, and in the installation it also has the Start-up addins.
So I do have a full New installation. As for the Data (Logs) I copied them to the DATA folder, thinking this might be the problem of just Nothing in the Data Folder?.
Firts Window that comes up is (Missing FD_2009) the last Log I was working with. When I try to Search, Nothing comes up at all..
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Re: Snow Leopard, RUMped and MySQL

Post by DL2RUM »

Is the server running now and you are missing the logs?
Make sure the user _mysql has set the read and write permissions
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Re: Snow Leopard, RUMped and MySQL

Post by N8NOE »

Trying to DELETE the entire thing and Re-install, this I found and was my Exact problem:

Removing MySQL on Snow Leopard

I’ve been having some difficulties trying to uninstall MySQL on snow leopard (I wanted to remove the 32bits version to install the 64bits one)…The old instructions, located here are mostly good, however there is a slight difference (that makes the whole thing… not working!) and it’s in the location of the installer receipts…First you need to go to: /Library/Receipts and look for a file named “InstallHistory.plist”… It’s just a regular property list… Open it and look for the MySQL entry, and delete it…I thought I was good to go after that but… no! The MySQL Installer still says I have a newer version on my system… Thing is, the receipts are actually located in a different place on Snow Leopard… The answer: /private/var/db/receipts/There should be 2 mysql related receipts located there… Delete them, and you should be good to go!

NOW I need to get my Logs back in, But I hope there on a backup, as I have deleted Everything I could find to Reinstall.
More in a bit, and THANKS TOM!..
As always, you jump in to help out, and it's appreciated!..
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Re: Snow Leopard, RUMped and MySQL

Post by N8NOE »

Should have added this also, To COPY your Data to the NEW Install, Be sure all your MySQL is NOT running and this in the Terminal will do it:

sudo cp -R -p /usr/local/mysql-5.1.30-osx10.5-x86/data /usr/local/mysql-5.1.38-osx10.5-x86

(( Change the MySQL Version to match ))
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