CQWWCW 08 notes

Contesting and dx-peditioning with the Mac
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CQWWCW 08 notes

Post by ww2dx »

So I had a blast working CQWWCW this year and you can check out a short youtube video I shot showing RUMped in action.

First off RUMped worked flawlessly, just awesome when things work :)

Couple thing I made notes on that I would like to put on the maybe list for the future.

1. Would be great if there was an "Auto Populate Bandmap" option so as you tune around the band (unassisted) and type a call into the call field it would automatically populate the bandmap with that call. This would be very useful in the unassisted category when no packet is used.

2. When auto CQ is running, the delay is very short between CQ's when running at higher code speeds, I was running anywhere between 30 and 40WPM and the delay was very short even when the setting was at max.

3. While in auto-CQ mode I would like to be able to hit any key to stop the auto-CQ.

4. The addition of ESM (Enter Send Message)
From N1MM website:
A decade ago, N6TR developed the idea of making TR Log "modal." By that, he meant that the program would behave differently depending on whether you were in Run or S&P mode. Making this distinction let him massively simplify and shorten the sequence of keystrokes required to complete a QSO.


This is a real nice feature, although I think it may be a bit involved to code.

Keep up the great work Tom, much appreciated!

73 Lee
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Re: CQWWCW 08 notes

Post by DL2RUM »

These are really good ideas Lee. Before I make this Beta fully public, I want to ask the more advanced contesters to test it first. Some ideas are new for me. Please download the application only and put it into your existing RUMped folder.

1. Auto Populate Bandmap
There is a new option in the "QSO" menu: "Auto Fill Band Map" When this menu item is checked (toggled on), the band map will be filled with each logged QSO. Further, a non worked call will be took over when you type in the call sign and move the VFO away. (500 Hz in SSB, 300 Hz in other modes) The call entry field will be cleared at this time. This saves keystrokes. Nevertheless you have the possibility to add calls to the band map manually, using the QSO menu.
Of course, the above feature will be active only, while in S&P mode. (Search and Punce)

2. Auto CQ
In the preferences I have extended the max. interval to 20 seconds.
Also, you can set the time intervall in the logging window. Just enter the time in seconds into the Call entry field and press Enter. This will allow you to set the time up to 99 seconds. Decimals are possible.
Please note, this interval specifies the time between the cq calls start. This is not the listening time!

3. Stop Auto-CQ mode
This should work as expected. Please report he active field, when it is not working correct.

4. ESM mode
To toggle the ESM mode on or off use 'Menu-->Log-->Enter sends messages'. An indicator in the right lower corner will remind you, when this mode is switched on. To change between 'Running' and 'S&P' mode use 'Menu-->Log-->Search and Pounce' or mouse click the provided indicator in the right lower corner.
To understand what happens in ESM mode, it is recommended to bring the Macro buttons into view using 'Menu-->Log-->Show Macro Buttons'. This will visualize the ESM mode, but it is not required. Using ESM mode make it important to assign the memories correct:
F1: cq
F2: exchange msg
F3: tu msg
F4: my call
F5: his call
F7: QSO b4 msg
F8: number agn msg

When not in ESM mode, RUMped works nearly in the same manner an known. Some notes to discuss:
- When not in ESM mode, the 'Enter' key will not start a cq call, since this is a ESM feature
- In ESM mode both 'Enter' keys work in the same way. To log only, use the 'Log QSO' button.
- The Auto CQ is activated by the F1 key, or the F1 button only.
- If you want to work dupes, select the option 'Menu-->Log-->Allow Dupes'
Screenshot in ESM and running mode
ESM.tiff (80.45 KiB) Viewed 3790 times
Screenshot in ESM and running mode
Screenshot in ESM and running mode
ESM.tiff (80.45 KiB) Viewed 3790 times
73 and best dx de Tom, DL2RUM