New RAC sections in RUMped

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New RAC sections in RUMped

Unread post by VA3PCJ »

Since last year the old ON (Ontario) RAC section has been replaced by four new sections: GTA (Great Toronto Area), ONE (Ontario East), ONN (Ontario North) and ONS (Ontario South) ( ... reviations). The coming ARRL Sweepstakes require the recognition of these four new RAC sections. In order for RUMped to correctly identify them, what seems to have worked for me (no guaranties implied!), was to modify the “Multilist” Key in the “ARRL Sweepstakes.plist” (found in the “Plugins” folder within the RUMped folder) in the following way:

In the Rumped folder, open the “Plugins” folder and find the “ARRL Sweepstakes.plist file”. Copy it for backup and then open it with the “Property List Editor” (just by clicking on it). Go to the “Multilist” Key and expand it. With the “Multilist” Key highlited, click on the symbol at the end of the row. This will add a new empty “item”. Click on “String” and change it to “Dictionary”, Expand the new “item” and click on the symbol at the end of the row, edit the two fields: enter “Short” in the first and “GTA” in the last, click on the “+” at the end of the row and edit the two new field by entering “Long” and “Great Toronto Area”. Minimize the new item, highlight again the “Multilist” Key and repeat the operation to complete the remaining three sections:

Short: ONE, Long: Ontario East
Short: ONN, Long: Ontario North
Short: ONS, Long: Ontario South

Minimize “Multilist Key” and Save the file. Now RUMped should recogize the new four sections when entered as part of the exchange in each new QSO.

GL in the ARRL Sweepstakes…

73 Jose VA3PCJ
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Re: New RAC sections in RUMped

Unread post by DL2RUM »

Hi Jose,

when it is working fine for you, it would be great if you share the files “ARRL Sweepstakes.plist" and "multipliers.rsd" with others.
You can upload the files here, or e-mail to me.

BTW, there is a more easier way to make the changes: Use the application "ContestMaker" provided in the RUMped folder. Under the "Multiplier Lists" tab, you can edit the tables. After that load the affected contest plist file into ContestMaker and toggle the popup menu in the right upper corner to make the changes available in the contest plist file.
73 and best dx de Tom, DL2RUM
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Re: New RAC sections in RUMped

Unread post by NY3M »

DL2RUM wrote: BTW, there is a more easier way to make the changes: Use the application "ContestMaker" provided in the RUMped folder. Under the "Multiplier Lists" tab, you can edit the tables. After that load the affected contest plist file into ContestMaker and toggle the popup menu in the right upper corner to make the changes available in the contest plist file.
Thanks for the advice here. I noticed it too late for the contest, which led to some confusion, but your instructions worked fine to repair the log scoring today. I was fortunate to have had only a little time to participate in the contest, so only a small number of VE affected stations. Those are now scored properly.

73 de Bill NY3M
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Re: New RAC sections in RUMped

Unread post by NF4L »

I tried to add the new RAC sections for the 160M test.
First, I closed RUMPed.
Using ContestMaker, I opened ARRL 160m w-side.plist
I selected ARRL Sections in the left table and deleted the entry ON Ontario from the mid table
I added the new section abbreviations and names using the mid table
Using the drop down. I selected ARRL Sections
I saved and reopened RUMPed. The new sections were not recognized.

Also, how to recover from accidentally pressing the OVRD button?

73, Mike NF4L
73, Mike NF4L