Syncing of logs

RUMlog for the iPad and iPhone
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Syncing of logs

Unread post by VA7PWK »

New Ham here, but long time Mac user. I'm a graphics guy who should know the mac inside out, but somehow, I can't seem to get this to work! Here's my thought process:

1. On the air, make contacts on HF, say 20m. Enter QSO in RUMlog2go on my iPhone, with info from QRZ.
2. Sync my logbook with my mac mini (10.6.8) using iTunes (11.1.3). I have 4 files to sync Default log.rsd, DXCC.rsd, IOTA.rsd and VA7PWK.rsd no ADIF files?
3. Expect to see new QSOs in Rumlog on my mac, but don't see them.

What am I doing wrong? Perhaps I should upload to eQSL first (whoops just realized I can't do this with iPhone version!) or do the dropbox thing? I would really like to sync it via iTunes. Is there a way to do that?
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Re: Syncing of logs

Unread post by DL2RUM »

You can sync user data via iTunes manually only. Go to the file sharing section and drag and drop the desired files. An automatic sync works via Dropbox only and only for your log file itself. The IOTA.rsd database don't need a sync, since the data will never changed by RUMlog. The DXCC.rsd database is rarely changed by the K7PT download and can be manually downloaded to iOS via Dropbox as well. For a year ago Dropbox announced a new API for a more easier file transfer, but it is still not available.
An OS-X <-> iOS sync as you wish, could become possible with the upcoming iOS8
73 and best dx de Tom, DL2RUM
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Re: Syncing of logs

Unread post by VA7PWK »

Thanks for the reply Tom. Here's what I have been doing for the interim:
1. Export via mail from iPhone (touch and hold QSO record, then select Export, mail)
2. Mail it to my Mac mini.
3. Download attached ADIF,then drop it into Rumlog.

It seems tedious. I don't mind using dropbox, but can't seem to get it to work. I like the iTunes manually way and will try it tonight when I get home. When you say go to iTunes and drag and drop the desired files, do you mean from the App files window in iTunes? I didn't know that could be done. Will try it tonight and report back.
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