DX Cluster Frustration

QSO logging software for the Mac
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DX Cluster Frustration

Post by W4JBB »

I have been trying unsuccessfully to connect to *any* DX cluster *other* than K9USA. I cannot.

For example, I put in the WD4IXD cluster (dxc.wd4ixd.net). It just sits and sits.

I tried another cluster with the same problem.

I can telnet just fine into either cluster, but RUMlog will not connect to them. I don't even see K9USA in the DX Cluster list under Preferences. I don't even know how to delete it unless I delete it from the .plist which I'd rather not mess with.

I know one of the clusters works fine because I just sent a spot to it and it showed up on a telnet session through terminal. I cannot get the telnet to work in RUMlog.

Any further suggestions?
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Re: DX Cluster Frustration

Post by W4JBB »

Mmmkay... I'm not sure what happened. Although I can telnet via terminal to WD4IXD, I cannot through RUMlog's telnet cluster. I added a third DX cluster and it worked. I then added the second I had tried previously that did *not* work in RUMlog but *did* work via terminal. Now the second one works in RUMlog. Go figure. No rhyme or reason that I can see.
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Re: DX Cluster Frustration

Post by ddanecki »

It might be a stupid question but which port did you use for all those clusters ?

WD4IXD seems to work on port 23. In RUMLog you have to use following settings:

Name: Any name, makes no difference, i.e. WD4IXD
Address: dxc.wd4ixd.net
Port: 23
Ueser: Your username for wd4ixd cluster
Password: Your password for wd4ixd cluster

It worked right away here. No problems at all.
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Re: DX Cluster Frustration

Post by K3DCW »

W4JBB wrote:I have been trying unsuccessfully to connect to *any* DX cluster *other* than K9USA. I cannot.

For example, I put in the WD4IXD cluster (dxc.wd4ixd.net). It just sits and sits.

I tried another cluster with the same problem.

I can telnet just fine into either cluster, but RUMlog will not connect to them. I don't even see K9USA in the DX Cluster list under Preferences. I don't even know how to delete it unless I delete it from the .plist which I'd rather not mess with.

I know one of the clusters works fine because I just sent a spot to it and it showed up on a telnet session through terminal. I cannot get the telnet to work in RUMlog.

Any further suggestions?

Gotta ask: when you "put in the WD4IXD cluster", did you do it in the Telnet Window or in the program Preferences?

Usually, you setup the clusters in the Preferences (as detailed by ddanecki) and then select them from the Cluster window.



"Hamming it up on macOS"
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Re: DX Cluster Frustration

Post by W4JBB »

Thank you for the pointers. I missed the port number. None was listed on the webpage from which I got the information; therefore, no port was entered. Once I entered the port, all worked.

Yes, I was putting the information in Preferences -> DX Cluster.

Joel - W4JBB