Additional fields?

QSO logging software for the Mac
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Additional fields?

Unread post by na0q »

Would it be possible to get a couple of new fields in RUMlog? I'm specifically interested in dedicated name and QTH fields.

I use fldigi for digital modes (which has separate name and QTH fields) and like to use the built-in logging during contacts. I import the fldigi ADIF file into RUMlog periodically for reporting, QSL tracking, etc. When I re-export the file back into fldigi, it loses the name and QTH info. Fldigi displays the "comment" field and you're using "notes" to store the name and QTH info, so it essentially disappears for me.

I really appreciate you making this software available, Tom. It's by far the best logging program for OS X. Thanks for your hard work.

Ron - NA0Q
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Re: Additional fields?

Unread post by DL2RUM »

Currently there is no plan to add more fields. Due to the limited space in the logging mask and QSO table this may cause trouble.
I 'm working on a better support for fldigi. One user is testing an "Auto Log Import" routine right now. That means, RUMlog will stay synchron with your fldigi log file.
73 and best dx de Tom, DL2RUM
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Re: Additional fields?

Unread post by iz0ete »

it would be very useful if a Name field can be added to RUMLOG, because in raghchewing CW QSO is very polite to remember the correspondent's name without asking for it. ;)
Any chance ?

Emanuele IZ0ETE