Please note: settings become active only after closing the preferences window. If there is a problem with the CAT connection try: Menu–>Transceiver–>Reset CAT
For IC-7300, IC-7610, K3 and KX2/3 there are two options. If you would like to use advanced features from a separate transceiver control window, use the -Ctrl setting.
Caution: The two options for a direct Icom connection via LAN/WLAN or Bluetooth LE use an unofficial and undocumented programming interface. Icom could remove these features at any time without a notice through a firmware update.
Here you can find miscellaneous options which depend on the model of your transceiver. In particular, you can set your preferred digital mode and the polling interval.
Host name or IP address and the port number for CAT control over the network.
Select the serial port to use and set the flow control options to match your transceiver settings. MicroHAM devices use the same options, except you do not need to select the serial port: instead, select microHAM in the Interface setting in this window.
The flow control lines can be set to High by ticking the checkboxes to power up CAT interfaces if necessary.
If you are experiencing issues with your transmitter entering PTT for no reason, make sure you are using the correct serial port. Some radios, such as Yaesu, may offer more than one serial port. One can be used for full CAT control whilst the other one, sometimes confusingly labelled as “Enhanced”, has limited features, but it can offer simple PTT. PTT misbehaviour can be also caused by selecting incorrect values for Flow control and Power up lines settings. Some experimenting with different combinations of settings may be needed to get full and reliable CAT control of your rig.
This option is only visible if Icom Server has been selected as the interface. The settings must match those in the transceiver.