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KX3 Power Control Macro

Posted: Sat 9. Jul 2016, 13:42
by k9jri
I am not able to send a power control macro larger than pc010; from the RumlogNG Macro window running under Windows10. If I enter "pc010;" the macro is saved and the power is set to 10 watts. If I enter "pc012;" or "pc015;" into a Macro button the values is not saved.

This same Maco "pc015;" is correctly saved and executed from the iOS version running on my iPad Air2.

73 - Mike - K9JRI

Re: KX3 Power Control Macro

Posted: Sun 10. Jul 2016, 12:43
by k9jri
This was my error in entering the 15 watt setting into RumLog NG. My apology.

Very 73- Mike - K9JRI

Re: KX3 Power Control Macro

Posted: Wed 13. Jul 2016, 17:38
by cwpowell
I have run into a similar issue, but not my fault as far as I can tell. I'm trying to set up macros to control my KX3 (with KXPA100 connected). For power, I can send pc005; pc025; pc050; and pc075; and they work correctly. If I try to send pc001; I get no response, even though this is a valid setting for the KX3, and the same problem if I send pc100; even though max power setting is 110 watts. Along the same lines, I do not get a response to ps0;#ps0; to power off the KX3 & PX3, nor to either of those command individually. The macros in question work from the KX3 utility.

Can anyone give me some insight as to the problem?


Chas - NK8O

Re: KX3 Power Control Macro

Posted: Thu 14. Jul 2016, 02:05
by cwpowell
I discovered a small, but important user error or small bug or whatever you want to call it. If one fills in the macro and saves BUT DOES NOT TAB OFF THE FIELD, then the macro will not work. I discovered this because I put in a command that worked but the button was blank. On investigation I discovered that if I tabbed through the fields and labels, everything works. Caveat emptor!


Chas - NK8O :oops:

Re: KX3 Power Control Macro

Posted: Thu 14. Jul 2016, 08:34
I was away for few days and not able to response earlier.
Good observation Chas, it will be fixed in the next version. It's always a good practice to tab out of an edited field to ensure changes do apply. In this case I've forgotten one command in the code to overcome this possible issue.