Error for export to adif

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Error for export to adif

Unread post by ea7tb »

I have the following problem.
When I export a log to an ADIF file, the <dxcc> appears as -1 (<dxcc: 2> -1).
When I import this to another log log rum, the CAMCO DX appears as ??.
If I import another program, make no mistake dxcc and touch ups.
The temporary solution that I give is to edit the file and remove adif that field.
How can I fix this error export?

Tengo el siguiente problema.
Cuando exporto un log a un fichero ADIF, el campo <dxcc> aparece como -1 (<dxcc:2>-1).
Cuando importo ese a otro log de rum log, aparece el camco DX como ??.
Si lo importo a otro programa, dar error en dxcc y no sube el contacto.
La solucion temporal que le doy es editar el fichero adif y eliminar ese campo.
¿Como se puede solucionar ese error de exportacion?
Manuel EA7TB. 73'
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Re: Error for export to adif

Unread post by DL2RUM »

Are you sure, you have the file "dxcc.rsd" in your RUMlog folder?
73 and best dx de Tom, DL2RUM
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Re: Error for export to adif

Unread post by ea7tb »

The file is onde Indica.
Only fault occurs when I export to adif.
When we introduce idicativo, it works correctly.
I performed the following test: I imported the adif file, the error appears.
Edit an invalid record, without rectifying anything, I keep it, and the error disappears.

El fichero esta onde indicas.
Solo ocurre el fallo cuando exporto a adif.
Cuando introduzco un idicativo, funciona correctamente.
He realizado la siguiente prueba: he importado el fichero adif, aparece el error.
Edito un registro erroneo, sin rectificar nada, lo guardo, y desaparece el error.
Manuel EA7TB. 73'
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Re: Error for export to adif

Unread post by DL2RUM »

Do you have logged the affected QSOs in RUMlog or were these QSOs imported?
73 and best dx de Tom, DL2RUM
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Re: Error for export to adif

Unread post by ea7tb »

I attached two files, one is generated Fldigi (Fldigi.adi) and the second rumlog.adi, to be served as an example
The first file I have imortado to RUMlog, and has not given problem.
When I upload the second file to, gives me error all those <dcxx: 2> -1.
Any Idea?
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Manuel EA7TB. 73'
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Re: Error for export to adif

Unread post by DL2RUM »

Thanks for the files. There is an ADIF import bug in RUMlog. It shows the DXCC info correct, but it is not saved correct in the database. I fixed that. Before you import new QSOs, please download the latest version.
To correct the problem with always imported QSOs, you have to recalculate all DXCC entities using Menu-->File-->Recount DXCCs

Download the application only:
73 and best dx de Tom, DL2RUM
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Re: Error for export to adif

Unread post by ea7tb »

Now works correctly.
Thanks for everything.
Greetings. :D :D :D
Manuel EA7TB. 73'