Support for Icom 756

QSO logging software for the Mac
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Support for Icom 756

Unread post by KB2WYL »

Hi All, Hi Tom. First of all, thank you so much for all the effort. I first discovered Rumlog back when I had an Icom 703…worked great…Sold it though and now have an Icom 756, original. It's amazing how many programs I've found that do not support this radio (rumlog, flrig, fldigi, etc) I know that it's a lot of work incorporating these things, but I also suspect it could be added at this point without too much hassle. All that needs changed is literally 2 hex commands. The 756 uses 05 and 06, respectively, for frequency and mode, as opposed to 03 and 04 like a lot of the other Icoms. The address wouldn't even need to be changed, as you can change that in the menus of the Icom itself. I don't know too much about code, but a bit and the things I don't I am willing to learn. Is there any way to see the source code for Rumlog? What is it written in? I'm sure I could figure it out, but I figured it would be respectful to ask instead of just digging into it on my own. Like I said, I'd be happy to do the work on my own and share it with the community. The more radios that can be supported, the less hams having to mess with windows emulation.

Edit* Not that windows emulation is a bad thing, and if I hope I'm not asking something I shouldn't?? Please, someone help. I just want to be able to use Rumlog the way I used to with my Icom 703. It really would be such a simple fix…change an address and a hex value, the program can call the 756 any radio it wants to, I just want it to auto log the freq….

Thanks all,

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Re: Support for Icom 756

Unread post by DL2RUM »

Just change the CI-V address in your radio to a supported one. Basic functions (PTT, mode ans frequency exchange) will work.
Currently I'm very busy with the next generation of RUMlog.
73 and best dx de Tom, DL2RUM
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Re: Support for Icom 756

Unread post by KB2WYL »

Hi, they will not, that was first try. The Icom 756 uses different hex commands for get freq and get mode. I'm not even concerned about ptr, signalink+ does that for me, box style. For the Icom 756, Get frequency is command 05, sub command fd (frequency display). In other Icom radios the same command is 04, fd. This is how I am sure the software is written as when I tried every single one of the icon radios on the list, no dice. And yes the radio and the controller are both functioning properly, can get fine control in jlog, flrig, fldigi, aether, etc. I just like Rumlog more than any of the other ones! I'm sure you're working hard on it, can you just point me in the right direction of what part of the package contains the hex code with the information on what commands are being sent to the radios? like I said before, all it would take is telling the program to send the radio a value of 05 instead of 04 and I am sure this is not too complicated, I already did it with a few other programs that didn't support the 756. Lots of programs say they do, I'm not sure if there was some disinformation in the ham lib or something, but without the program sending the radio the right request, having the address right does not help.

Thanks much,

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Re: Support for Icom 756

Unread post by DL2RUM »

I have a manual from here:

As all other Icom transceivers the basic commands are the same:
0x03 - Read frequency
0x04 - Read mode
0x05 - Set frequency
0x06 - Set mode

Change the address in the radio, set the baud rate to a fixed value and enable the CI-V Transceive option. It should work.
73 and best dx de Tom, DL2RUM
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Re: Support for Icom 756

Unread post by KB2WYL »

Ah, thank you for clearing that up. The way I read the manual, not the radio but the CI-V dictionary, was that commands were the same, just going to or from the radio. Not to know that it is different for get or set, that screwed me up. I had gotten it working last night in Jlog, using the Set RTS on send and reveive. I went in to Rumlog, changed it to 703 with RTS set to on, and Voila! Thanks so much Tom. This really is an awesome thing you have, in the true sense of the word. I know it is a LOT of work with all of the code and writing. In any case, now it is working, and I learned a lot of new and interesting stuff along the way. I can't say how much I appreciate the help and the patience especially. 73!
