KX3 and iPad connectivity with RUMLogNG2Go

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KX3 and iPad connectivity with RUMLogNG2Go

Unread post by SteveW »

What is the current state-of-the-art for using RUMLogNG2Go on a newer iPad to interface with an Elecraft KX3 transceiver?

I have a two-year old, 5th generation, iPad. It has an Apple M1 cpu chip and supports Thunderbolt 3/USB 4 (USB-C) connectivity. It also has a Cellular connection, along with Wi-Fi 6 and Bluetooth 5.0.

I've read some of the older posts on this forum about iPad/RUMLog2Go connectivity to KX3. The only wireless solution I found is a Bluetooth LE home-brew device. A wired solution uses the Piglet device. Are those still the only available choices, or have things advanced in the last 8 or 9 years? Any Bluetooth LE commercial products that would work?

If I use the Elecraft KXUSB cable with a USB-A to USB-C adapter to connect the KX3 to the iPad, can RUMLogNG2Go interface with the KX3?

What other options are available that will allow the software at least to read the rig's frequency and, preferably, also be able to control the rig?

Thank you.

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Re: KX3 and iPad connectivity with RUMLogNG2Go

Unread post by DL2RUM »

A Bluetooth LE module is still the best choice. iOS has no support for wired serial devices.
73 and best dx de Tom, DL2RUM
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Re: KX3 and iPad connectivity with RUMLogNG2Go

Unread post by SteveW »

I bought a Bluetooth LE module through Amazon.com to see if it would enable RUMLogNG2Go to talk with my Elecraft KX3. It is a model DX-CP26 RS232 to Bluetooth Serial Adapter, a product of Daxia Longgue in China. It functions as a Bluetooth LE slave device. I connected it to my Elecraft KX3 using Elecraft's KXSER cable. Daxia Longgue makes a helper app for iPadOS called DX SMART that must be used to establish the Bluetooth LE connection of the iPad to the converter device. The iPad then shows that it is connected, but I was not successful in getting RUMLogNG2Go to recognize the device.

I'm going to play around with it for a bit and hope for some feedback from Daxia Longgue on why the RUMLogNG2Go app is unable to detect the Bluetooth connection that their helper app has established.

I also ran across another adapter from U.S. Converters LLC, but I haven't tried it;
https://www.usconverters.com/rs232-seri ... rt-adapter

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Re: KX3 and iPad connectivity with RUMLogNG2Go

Unread post by DL2RUM »

I'm afraid, RUMlog will connect the tested devices only. The Adafruit or HC-18/19 modules are strongly recommended.
Each manufacturer uses different UUID numbers RUMlog has to know.
73 and best dx de Tom, DL2RUM
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Re: KX3 and iPad connectivity with RUMLogNG2Go

Unread post by SteveW »

Since finished end-user commercial products like the ones I mentioned are now available, and their documentation publishes their UUID, wouldn't it be possible to add to RUMLogNG2Go the ability for the user to enter a UUID instead of hard-coding the UUIDs of the Adafruit or HC boards in the app? This would broaden the possibilities for either building your own interface using Adafruit or HC---, or using a complete ready-to-use end-user product. I ask the question since some of us are getting older, and our vision and dexterity are not as good as they were years ago when it was easier for us to build things from scratch. Just a thought.

Anyway, thank you Tom for making and supporting good software!
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Re: KX3 and iPad connectivity with RUMLogNG2Go

Unread post by DL2RUM »

There will be very few users needing this feature. I don't have much experience with these things and I don't know if it is that easy.
I was not able to find the required information. When you have the required UUID please share and we will test.
73 and best dx de Tom, DL2RUM
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