Mode selection screen

RUMlog for the iPad and iPhone
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Mode selection screen

Unread post by n0aw »

I use RUMLog2Go as my primary logging for portable operations for Parks on the Air and other outdoor activities. One common part of my activating is to turn down the HF radio, turn up the VHF FM radio, and call CQ on the US national calling frequency to see if anyone might be within earshot. In RUMLog2Go, I manually change the frequency, and change the mode.

Currently the mode selection screen features two dials with the mode/submode of all available mode types. I think this is a great UI to present all of the options, but would it be possible to slide these dials to the bottom or top and present a few buttons for commonly used mode types? Or perhaps there could be 6 configurable buttons for whichever modes that a user would want to see.

It's not a huge deal, but it would save a few seconds each time I switch over to FM, and a few seconds when going back to USB or whatever.

Thank you and 73,

Jeremy / N0AW
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Re: Mode selection screen

Unread post by DL2RUM »

For the most common used modes you don't need to open the mode selection scene. Just tap the Mode textfield and press:
  • C for CW
  • S for SSB
  • R for RTTY
  • P for PSK31
  • F for FM
Is this what you need?
73 and best dx de Tom, DL2RUM
Posts: 4
Joined: Tue 19. Sep 2023, 16:54

Re: Mode selection screen

Unread post by n0aw »

Oh, cool. That would do it. Thank you, Tom!


Jeremy / N0AW
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