Automatic logging to QRZ?

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Automatic logging to QRZ?

Unread post by g6phf »

I'm new to RunlogNG and to logging programs in general.
I notice some people seem to be able to upload their logs almost in real time with ?
Is this possible with Rumlog?
Or is there an interim step?

I have eQSL, LoTW, QRZ all setup in Runlog but I must admit I am not sure on how or if they interact between themselves.
The only way I have found to get the logs to QRZ is export from Rumlog and then upload to QRZ.
Is there a better way?

Otherwise its a great program and thanks for develop[ing it!

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Re: Automatic logging to QRZ?

Unread post by DL2RUM »

RUMlog can't upload direct to, you need an utility: ... 3292?mt=12
73 and best dx de Tom, DL2RUM
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Re: Automatic logging to QRZ?

Unread post by g6phf »

Thank you!
I actually found an older post after I submitted this one, so apologies for not searching better!

It looks like you had a change of heart since that last time and created a separate utility, which is good :)

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Re: Automatic logging to QRZ?

Unread post by g6phf »

Ok, this is working well.
One possible enhancement would be to have an option to not upload a certain field? For example the comment field.
Sometimes it's nice to keep this more private.
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Re: Automatic logging to QRZ?

Unread post by g6phf »

Hi Tom,
Is there any obvious reason why the logging might have stopped from QSO Uploader? This seemed to stop yesterday morning, Saturday sometime.
I've restarted both RUMlogNG and the QSO uploader but still not working.
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Re: Automatic logging to QRZ?

Unread post by DL2RUM »

The Upload utility gives you a lot of status information. You should share this.
73 and best dx de Tom, DL2RUM
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Re: Automatic logging to QRZ?

Unread post by g6phf »

Hi Tom,
I believe it was my doing. I found through a process of elimination that the following boxes need to be ticked in RUMlogNG
Screenshot 2023-08-13 at 18.36.05.jpg
Is that correct?
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Re: Automatic logging to QRZ?

Unread post by DL2RUM »

See the documentation in the Upload Utility! You have to set the address and the port, do not use the default address! Enable only one set of settings, not both for the same function!
73 and best dx de Tom, DL2RUM
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Re: Automatic logging to QRZ?

Unread post by g6phf »

Tom, with those settings I can send log data to 2 programs?
IS that correct?
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Re: Automatic logging to QRZ?

Unread post by DL2RUM »

You can send log data to two different broadcast addresses. One in your local network can serve multiple applications on multiple devices.
The second one was introduced to send log data to an external server in the www, for example
73 and best dx de Tom, DL2RUM
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