TX im Contest Window

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TX im Contest Window

Unread post by dl1bjo »

I am wondering what the "TX" checkbox within the contest window is supposed to do.
contest window tx.png
Whenever I am connected to my KX3 via the BLE dongle it appears and is selected.
Mode is being updated whenever it is changed on the transceiver but neither band or QRG are updated unless the TX checkbox is deselected.

Any hints why this checkbox exists? I am probably missing something.

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Re: TX im Contest Window

Unread post by DL2RUM »

This is useful when Split is selected. Normally VFO A frequency (RX) is shown and will be logged. When this box is selected, the VFO B frequency (TX) is shown and logged.
This box should be hidden when not in Split, there may be a miss-behavior for the K3, I have to check.
73 and best dx de Tom, DL2RUM
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Re: TX im Contest Window

Unread post by dl1bjo »

Thanks Tom,

looks like I have inadvertently been in split mode. It works exactly the way you describe it.

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