QSOs not Uploading to LoTW with Mode Mapping

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QSOs not Uploading to LoTW with Mode Mapping

Unread post by AG7AB »

Uploading QSO's directly from RL is generally working fine for me, but I recently found that a number of QSOs failed to upload, and I found that they were using digital modes not supported by LoTW. I found the mode mapping facility in TQSL and after doing that, I was able to upload the QSO's directly through TQSL using an ADIF file exported from RL. But if I try to upload directly from RL, I get an error from TQSL saying "invalid mode". I am using RL version 5.6.8 and TQSL version 2.5.9. Examples of the modes in question are OLIVIA 8/250, DOMEX8, THOR11. These are mapped to OLIVIA, DOMINO, and THOR respectively. I don't know if this is a RL or a TQSL issue, but would appreciate any comments or if others have seen this. Thanks.

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Re: QSOs not Uploading to LoTW with Mode Mapping

Unread post by AG7AB »

I ran into this problem again today, and forgot that I had posted about it several years ago. I am now using RL version 5.15.5 and TQSL version 2.7.3. In the latest examples I tried to upload QSO's directly from RL with modes set to OLIVIA8/250 and one with THOR11. Both were rejected as an invalid mode. I have mode mappings in TQSL for both. I exported each QSO to adif format and was able to upload manually in TQSL with no problem. So, it appears to be an issue with the data uploaded directly from RL being different than the adif export file.

Is any new information available on this problem?

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Re: QSOs not Uploading to LoTW with Mode Mapping

Unread post by DL2RUM »

Here the same. You should open a support ticket at LotW.
73 and best dx de Tom, DL2RUM
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Re: QSOs not Uploading to LoTW with Mode Mapping

Unread post by AG7AB »

I can do that, but given that the adif upload through TQSL works OK and the problem is only with the direct upload from RL, they will probably say it's an RL problem. I read in this post: https://dl2rum.de/forum/viewtopic.php?p=5714#p5714 that the adif export file is not the file sent to TQSL. Are there known differences that could be causing this?

One other point I should have mentioned earlier. I am using the logging macro in fldigi to generate the RL logbook entry, and the various modes are being generated there. They are not listed in the mode choices on the RL preferences>modes/sat page.

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Re: QSOs not Uploading to LoTW with Mode Mapping

Unread post by DL2RUM »

This is an example file RUMlog sends to tqsl:
<call:6>DL2RUM <qso_date:8>20240419 <time_on:6>191905 <freq:8>7.070000 <band:3>40m <mode:11>OLIVIA4/125 <eor>
This fails with the error mentioned above.

The same file uploaded with tqsl works. I can't see an error on my side.
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Re: QSOs not Uploading to LoTW with Mode Mapping

Unread post by DL2RUM »

I found the issue.
Go to the tqsl File menu and create a new ADIF file. In the list of modes you will find for example OLIVIA 4/250 Note the space character after OLIVIA!
This mode in RUMlog doesn't have this space. When I log now OLIVIA 4/250 it uploads fine without any mapping!
The space is correct according the ADIF specs. I don't know when it was lost. More modes are affected.
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Re: QSOs not Uploading to LoTW with Mode Mapping

Unread post by DL2RUM »

I found the issue.
Go to the tqsl File menu and create a new ADIF file. In the list of modes you will find for example OLIVIA 4/250 Note the space character after OLIVIA!
This mode in RUMlog doesn't have this space. When I log now OLIVIA 4/250 it uploads fine without any mapping!
The space is correct according the ADIF specs. I don't know when it was lost. More modes are affected.

According the tqsl documentation, there is a mechanism to prevent mapping of a correct mode. So you are not able to map CW to SSB. It seems this mechanism works here, but not always in the same way using the two upload variants.
73 and best dx de Tom, DL2RUM
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Re: QSOs not Uploading to LoTW with Mode Mapping

Unread post by AG7AB »

That's great news! Thanks, Tom. I was just going to report it to LoTW, but will wait and see what you find. However, this would not explain the other mode problem I had using THOR11. When I go to the ADIF spec, it shows THOR11 with no space. And TQSL doesn't even list it as an option. It only has THOR. There are similar submode codes in the spec for DOMINO. The TQSL documentation is a little confusing. It lists the Submode field as optional, but says if present it will be mapped to a valid mode if necessary. So, in your example, you didn't include Submode, but not sure what would happen with THOR11 since it's not listed as a valid Mode.

Regardless, thanks for digging into it. We're getting closer!

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Re: QSOs not Uploading to LoTW with Mode Mapping

Unread post by DL2RUM »

What I've made so far:
  • Inserted the missing spaces in the OLIVIA modes.
  • Added the <SUBMODE> tag in to the LoTW ADIF file.
  • Removed all mappings in tqsl.
I've logged two QSOs, on in OLIVIA8/250 on in THOR11:
Bildschirmfoto 2024-04-20 um 15.55.51.PNG

Both uploaded successful:
Bildschirmfoto 2024-04-20 um 15.46.05.PNG

This is what I send to tqsl now:
<call:6>DL2RUM <qso_date:8>20240420 <time_on:6>134325 <freq:8>7.070000 <band:3>40m <mode:4>THOR <submode:6>THOR11 <eor>
<call:6>DL2RUM <qso_date:8>20240420 <time_on:6>134335 <freq:8>7.070000 <band:3>40m <mode:6>OLIVIA <submode:12>OLIVIA 8/250 <eor>

Do you upload to eQSL or Club Log? Any problems here?

Please run your own tests and report back: https://dl2rum.de/RUMlogNG/RUMlogNG_Test.zip
73 and best dx de Tom, DL2RUM
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Re: QSOs not Uploading to LoTW with Mode Mapping

Unread post by AG7AB »

Tom, this looks perfect. I think adding the Submode to the LoTW uplink will make all the difference. If they were getting the "THOR11" as a Mode previously, they were probably rejecting that as not a valid Mode, but should handle the mode+submode OK. Your tests are very encouraging and I will also give the test build a try.

I haven't used eQSL or Club Log, so no help there.

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