Informing a custom field with Propagation status?

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Informing a custom field with Propagation status?

Unread post by ea5xq »


for each contact, in addition to regular fields like Name, qth, etc I have added my own custom fields

- Condx Rigs to add my condx to work (rig, antenna, etc)
- Condx Signal: here I add propagation conditions such as SFI140 SN48 A4 K1 XRAY C1.3 that I collect from option “Sun”. It helps me to check every QSO with all the information possible and to compare contacts with different propagation values.

Is it possible to inform such field or other with propagation values automatically?
73's Juan, EA5XQ
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Re: Informing a custom field with Propagation status?

Unread post by DL2RUM »

You can use Apple Script:

Code: Select all

tell application "RUMlogNG"
	set userField_4 to "My Text"
end tell
73 and best dx de Tom, DL2RUM
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Re: Informing a custom field with Propagation status?

Unread post by ea5xq »

Great thanks I will try it

But, could it be launched (apple script) from inside Rumlog?
73's Juan, EA5XQ
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Re: Informing a custom field with Propagation status?

Unread post by ea5xq »

Auto-answer: yes, indeed, I needed to learn how to code an Applescript and how to assign a short-cut to it, I already did it successfully (it is a first time that I code an Applescript) and now it is a matter of working a bit more to get from somewhere else the data SFI, SNI, etc... and create a text to set in a custom field.

It would be great to have a way to inform a custom field just clicking it (when focus get run an applescript) but al least using a shortcut it is fine for me, it does its job. thanks
73's Juan, EA5XQ
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Re: Informing a custom field with Propagation status?

Unread post by ea5xq »

Just for the sake of others, I did it, and now every time that I press a key it informs Condx Signal getting the data from N0NBH website.

I have just discovered the power of Applescript, this is my first script (I have to say that with the great help of GPT), so now a new window of possibilities.

73's Juan, EA5XQ
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