PPT stays on all the time?

Contesting and dx-peditioning with the Mac

PPT stays on all the time?

Unread post by KF7P »

Hi Tom,
When I open RUMPed, the PTT function turns on and stays on, and my (746pro) stays in transmit mode. I have an iMac and use a microHAM USB II interface. I have used RUMped before without this problem. I can go into Preferences>>TNCVR and go to the port drop down list, and select "modem" which then turns the PTT off. But with the radio interface off it obviously defeats the purpose of using a logging program. What am I doing wrong?

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Re: PPT stays on all the time?

Unread post by DL2RUM »

Hi Chris,

I'm not familiar with this modem. Do you have any other connections plugged into the rig? In which operating mode is your TRX keyed? CW? It is possible your modem interprets the handshake lines as CW input. Try to deselect the CTS and DTR check boxes in the TRCVR preferences.

73 de Tom
73 and best dx de Tom, DL2RUM

Re: PPT stays on all the time?

Unread post by KF7P »

Hi Tom,
The CTS and DTR boxes are not checked. It goes into transmit mode in whatever mode the radio happens to be in previously. There are two connections from the MicroHam interface: one into the remote port and one into the accessory port. If I unplug one or the other, the rig does not go into transmit mode but drops all computer to rig interface (no control from RUMped). Let's look at the 746pro...what menu settings is it supposed to have? Maybe I've got a setting incorrect.

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Try this

Unread post by DL2RUM »

Hello again Chris,

I don't know what is going wrong. I checked the documentation from the interface and found no hint.
I've changed a little bit the control over the serial port. Please try out the file, following this link:
73 and best dx de Tom, DL2RUM

Re: PPT stays on all the time?

Unread post by Guest »

Hi Tom,

Well I tried the new version. I drag and dropped the new RUMped into my RUMped folder in my applications folder, and disposed of the old version. Restated the computer. Upon startup, I get the following three errors:

1)MasterDat.rsd not found
2)My locator not found
3)An exception of class NilObjectException was not handled. The application musts shut down.

And then it shuts down.

Uggg now what?

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Re: PPT stays on all the time?

Unread post by DL2RUM »

Do you still use the older Beta version? Do NOT mix files from two versions together in one folder. Please use only the complete latest version from here: http://www.dl2rum.de/rumsoft/RUMped.zip and move the provided file into this folder. The file MasterDat.rsd should be in the folder, when not you have not the complete latest version. When you have still problems to start the program, go to your personal home directory and delete the file RumDX.plist in the preference folder.
73 and best dx de Tom, DL2RUM

Re: PPT stays on all the time?

Unread post by KF7P »


Looks like it's working! I dumped the entire old RUMped app folder, replaced it with the new one in your previous link, and then swapped the RUMped file with the test file you told me to install originally.

Now, there is one error message: It says "Locator is invalid". In the preferences window, general tab, there is a spot titled "locator". help me remember what I am supposed to type in that box.

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Re: PPT stays on all the time?

Unread post by DL2RUM »


please confirm that the radio control works now as well.
In the locator field you have to enter your world wide locator. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maidenhead_Locator_System for details. RUMped needs this information to calculate distances and bearings from your home location. There is also a tool included in RUMped to calculate it: Use the menu --> Window --> Sun/Dist. Calculations
73 and best dx de Tom, DL2RUM

Re: PPT stays on all the time?

Unread post by kf7p »


Everything works. Thanks so much for your help!
