Kenwood TS-590s/TS-590sg issues

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Kenwood TS-590s/TS-590sg issues

Unread post by jweisskohl »

1) I now have both TS-590s and TS-590sg receivers. I noticed that when I changed my transceiver type to ts-590sg and opened up the cw window, RumlogNG indicates that there is no cw interface connected and won't let me use the keyboard. When I changed back the transceiver type to ts-590s then this error goes away and I can again use the keyboard to send cw.

When using TS-590SG I can set the cw macros in the Preferences and use F1, F2, etc. But it won't allow me to use the CW window to type cw. I also noticed that the cw pulldown menu that says Increase cw speed by 2 or decrease cw speed by 2 has no effect. I need to manually set this on the radio. This is true for both TS-590s and TS-590SG transceiver settings.

Also I am unable to see what I am typing on the cw window. There is no echo of the text. The ts-590s setting allows me to send cw using cw window but I can't see what I am typing, it doesn't display in the window area.

2) Is there any way to turn off the Map information. I am noticing a huge slow down with RUmlogNG trying to show the map for each station. This doesn't happen all the time but when it does, the program hangs and I must wait for the band information to correct itself before I can do anything else in RUmlogNG. I have of course, downloaded the version from the Apple store and know that I can download the version from the website that doesn't have the map feature, but I was wondering if there was something in the Preferences section that allows you to turn off the Band feature.


Jerry AC4BT
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Re: Kenwood TS-590s/TS-590sg issues

Unread post by DL2RUM »

I can't see the reason for the differences. Are you sure you have set the CW interface to "TRCVR" for your both settings?

The CW window is very basic currently, I will upgrade it in the next future a little bit.

I don't think, the Maps are causing trouble. I noticed this too, but I guess the or queries cause these hangs. I have to optimize this.
73 and best dx de Tom, DL2RUM
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Re: Kenwood TS-590s/TS-590sg issues

Unread post by jweisskohl »

I made several changes - replaced the USB cable and reinitialized my rig to original settings and now have the cw interface working on both 590s and 590sg.

Yes, it looks like Maps or QRZ are causing a delay which I notice most often when I click on a spot and RunlogNG tries to QSY to the new frequency.


Jerry AC4BT
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