Storing actual frequency

Contesting and dx-peditioning with the Mac
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Storing actual frequency

Unread post by 2M0TXK »

I'm keen to add my contest log to my main log in RUMLog but I've noticed RUMPed only stores the base frequency for the band - eg 14000 for 20m. I have my FT817ND connected so it should be able to read the frequency without wasting time entering it

I've also noticed that if I request a band change with the radio connected it starts transmitting and is locked like that until I hit PTT. Any ideas?
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Re: Storing actual frequency

Unread post by DL2RUM »

RUMped stores the frequency from the TRX. When there was no frequency logged, then you have to check your CAT connection.
73 and best dx de Tom, DL2RUM
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Re: Storing actual frequency

Unread post by 2M0TXK »

Is the code for the FT817 the same as for RUMLog? I'm using an FT817ND and it works perfectly in RUMLog but gets locked on transmit when it changes band (and the band change does work) and doesn't seem to store the frequency. Any ideas why one works and the other doesnt? Thanks
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Re: Storing actual frequency

Unread post by DL2RUM »

Maybe something wrong with the flow control settings?
73 and best dx de Tom, DL2RUM