Rumlog 3.2 can't get to title bar to move on desktop

QSO logging software for the Mac
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Re: Rumlog 3.2 can't get to title bar to move on desktop

Unread post by DL2RUM »

Hi Rick,
left or right - that's the trick! When I checked your problems, my second screen was also positioned right to the main screen. This works fine. When the windows are opened, RUMlog checks the max. width of the screens against the window position. When the last saved position is further right, then the width is set to a default (20,20). BUT when the second screen is left of the main screen, the coordinates becomes negativ. I have also to check for negativ values.
I will do this in the next update. Thanks for the hint again Rick.
73 and best dx de Tom, DL2RUM