Frequencies show up as "0.500.000" on IC-7000

Control and memory management software for Icom transceivers

Frequencies show up as "0.500.000" on IC-7000

Unread post by Guest »


When I setup frequencies and then send to my ic-7000, the Frequencies show up on the display as 0.500.000. If I then go into RUMtrol7000 and cut the freq and then paste it back, resend, the frequencies show up ok. I was entering 2m data like 147.24 MHz as "147240.000".

any ideas?

Thanks for your work on a very useful program!!!


73, Bill, K3ZAA

Re: Frequencies show up as "0.500.000" on IC-7000

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I forgot to say in my last message that I am using v1.3.1 for windows.

73, Bill, K3ZAA

Re: Frequencies show up as "0.500.000" on IC-7000

Unread post by Guest »

More infomation about the 0.500.000 problem.

I can quickly fix a broken entry by clicking on the entry, clicking USE, and then clicking Write tor TRX.

My radio is set to Auto Baud and RUMtrol7000 is set to 19200 with nothing else checked (DTR, RTS, etc.).

To see the 0.500.000 go to M2 MEM. The top pane will show the correct frequency sometimes but the bottom pane will show 0.500.000 and no call sign. Doing my fix shown above will make the radio show the correct frequency on the top and bottom panes; the callsign will also be displayed in the bottom pane.

The memory list display also shows the 0.500.000 problem (see M2 MEM LST).

73, Bill, K3ZAA
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Re: Frequencies show up as "0.500.000" on IC-7000

Unread post by DL2RUM »

Hello Bill,

I'm not quite sure, but I remember a bug in the radio. After writing the memories into the radio switch it Off and On again. After that the correct frequencies should be shown.
Please try it out, if I'm right.
73 and best dx de Tom, DL2RUM

Re: Frequencies show up as "0.500.000" on IC-7000

Unread post by Guest »


I think you are correct about it being a bug in the Radio. I traced the RS232 data using PortMon from Sysinternals (now part of Microsoft) and the data is identical both times that RUMtrol sends it.

The other thing I have seen is that once a Memory is used one time, the problem goes away.

Another though about the CSV files: I have both a 7000 and a 746Pro - if I could dump to a CSV, I could moved data from one radio to the other radio.

73, Bill, K3ZAA

Re: Frequencies show up as "0.500.000" on IC-7000

Unread post by Guest »


I just tried the power off - power on and it does fix the displays in the radio. So the radio does have a wierd bug but then that is how it is with software.

Thanks again for a useful piece of software!!!

73, Bill, K3ZAA
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Re: Frequencies show up as "0.500.000" on IC-7000

Unread post by DL2RUM »


You can exchange your memories with the 746PRO using RUMtrol746Pro ( Both programs support the Import/Export of a whole memorybank as xml(.plist) file. Use the 'Menu --> Memory --> Save Memory as..' in one Program to save the memories and use 'Menu --> Memory --> Load Memory from..' in the other program to read the memories back and then write it to the trcvr.

Hope this helps
73 and best dx de Tom, DL2RUM

Re: Frequencies show up as "0.500.000" on IC-7000

Unread post by KE0MF »

Just wanted to add a few comments about this issue myself. I used RUMtrol to program a bunch of VHF frequencies this last week - what an incredible timesaver! This is an awesome piece of software.

I experienced the same issue with getting 0.500 displayed in some memories I had programmed. IN my case I figured out that hitting the LST and then name keys would cause the correct info to display - again, an obvious firmware issue with the IC-7000, NOT RUMtrol. I didn't know about the power cycle of the rig as a fix, so didn't try that.

Just wanted to put in my vote for how nice a piece of software this is, and to also add my observation that this issue appears to be IC-7000 related.

Thanks es 73 de KE0MF/Mike
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Re: Frequencies show up as "0.500.000" on IC-7000

Unread post by KD0BWI »

Hi, what I do is instead of entering 146.520 and getting 0.146.52, I enter into rumtrol 146520.000 and I get 146.520.00 in the radio. I tried turning the radio off then on again and it did not correct the freq display. Also just entering 146520 with no decimal point and I get the correct 146.520 in the radio. I will check back every once in a while to see if any other work around are found. Once again, thank you for this software, real time saver and I like being able to backup radio frequencies and settings to a file. 73, Chuck
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Re: Frequencies show up as "0.500.000" on IC-7000

Unread post by DL2RUM »

Chuck, RUMtrol expects the frequency always in kHz! I'm a short wave op and on HF is this value more practicable. In the above mentioned bug, the IC-7000 shows all changed frequencies always exact as 0.500.000 regardless of the entered value until a power reset. When you see the correct numbers, you may have a bug free rig!
73 and best dx de Tom, DL2RUM