Download from eQSL

To download data, use the window from Menu–>QSL–>eQSL in. Red written entries do not match your logbook. A click on a QSL shows the QSO in your logbook table. When teh QSO is nit in your log, all QSOs around this time will be shown.

Received SWL eQSLs are shown in a separate window. A click in a row shows all QSOs around this time in your logbook. The time interval is set in the eQSL Preferences. There are no further functions.

When you download multiple eQSL images, a lot of windows can be opened. In Menu–>QSL are commands provided to save all images and to close all windows.
Once an image was saved, you can’t save it again for this download.

Received SWL eQSLs are shown in a separate window. A click in a row shows all QSOs around this time in your logbook. The time interval is set in the eQSL Preferences. There are no further functions.
