Contest und DX-Pedition



A separate window is provided for the contest and dx-ped operation. Most of your existing settings are applicable for the contest as well, but few settings are independent:

All contest specific contest functions will be found in the Menu–>Contest menu. Few always existing menu items will be used in the contest as well in a similar manner:

CW, RTTY and Phone memories can be played back using the F1 - F8 function keys. Please note, the menu items for all modes are located in the CW menu.

For each contest/dx-ped a new separate contest file will be created. These are not compatible with a RUMlog logbook file! A contest log can be imported into a logbook file directly, without the use of ADIF.

HamQTH/ Panel

The function is very similar to the main logging window. Following functions are not available:

Contest Cheat Database

You can use a help database for DL, W und VE stations. German DOKs, US States and Canadian Provinces for more than 800.000 stations are included. Due to the large data file, you have to load it separately: Menu–>Online–>Load Contest Cheat Database
To use this database you have check the option in the contest preferences under the General tab.
When applicable, a suggested control number will be presented after entering the callsign.

Thanks to Dominik, DL6ER for providing the data.

Includes also possible control numbers for:


Before the Contest

In the Contest

Support in the Contest

After the Contest

RTTY operation

General Contest Template

Worked All Europe DX Contest

Contest Scoreboards

See Also,,, Club Log data and Maps